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英国德蒙福特大学Alistair Duffy教授学术报告
时间:2019-03-12   阅读次数:

 应电气工程学院、电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室谢彦召教授邀请,IEEE Fellow、英国德蒙福特(De Montfort)大学工程科学研究所所长、Alistair Duffy教授访问西安交通大学并做学术报告。欢迎相关领域教师和科技工作者、研究生参加报告会。





(星期二) 15:00-17:00


1. Reverberation chambers for shielding measurements





2. Feature Selective Validation (FSV)





3. “Art appreciation for engineers”


Using techniques from arts and humanities to improve written communications skills for engineers and physical scientists.




4. Risk management in EMC



Alistair Duffy is Professor of Electromagnetics, and Dean of Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Technology at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. He received the Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and an MEng degree from University College, Cardiff, UK, in 1988 and 1989, respectively. After receiving the Master’s degree, he joined the research group of Professors Christopoulos and Benson at Nottingham University. There he worked on experimental validation of numerical modeling and received his PhD in 1993. Dr Duffy completed his professional education in 2004 with an MBA from Open University, UK. He is widely published, with over 200 technical papers and articles, mostly on his research interests of validation of computational electromagnetics; physical layer components, particularly communications cabling, and electromagnetic compatibility testing.

Dr Duffy has contributed to many successful conferences through refereeing functions or organising committee responsibilities. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the International Wire and Cable Symposium, which attracts approximately 1,000 delegates annually. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on EMC and an Associate Editor of the ACES Journal. Other professional activities include standards body work in the UK (British Standards Institute) and in the IEEE, where he is currently Chair of the EMC Society's Standards Development and Education Committee (SDECom). He is also the Society’s Global EMC Symposium Coordinator. From 2008 to 2009 he served the IEEE EMC Society as a Distinguished. Lecturer. In 2015, Dr Duffy was elected to the grade of IEEE Fellow for the development of validation methods in computational electromagnetics.

Dr Duffy was a Series Editor for undergraduate textbooks published by Butterworth-Heinemann (now part of Elsevier) and SciTech Publishing (now part of the IET) on EMC. He has supervised 20 PhD students during his career.


1 .Infra-Red Thermal Measurement on a Low Power Infra-Red Emitter in CMOS Technology.Pandey, P., Oxley, C., Hopper, R., Ali, Z., Duffy; A. (2018) Infra-Red Thermal Measurement on a Low Power Infra-Red Emitter in CMOS Technology. IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 13 (1), pp. 25-28

2. Measuring the shielding properties of flexible or rigid enclosures for portable electronics.Duffy, A.P., Arihilam, E., Sasse, H., Parker, S., Armstrong, R.,Wainwright, N., Steggles, S. and Thomas, T. (2018) Measuring the shielding properties of flexible or rigid enclosures for portable electronics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376 (2134): 20170456

3. Review of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV). Part II - Performance Analysis and Research Fronts.Orlandi, A., Duffy, A., Zhang, G. (2018) Review of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV). Part II—Performance Analysis and Research Fronts. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility

4. .Review of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV). Part I – Theory.Duffy, A., Orlandi, A., Zhang, G. (2017) Review of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV). Part I - Theory. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 60 (4)

5. Using Image Quality Assessment (IQA) Databases to Provide an Appraisal of the Ability of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV) to Compare 2-dimensional Datasets.Gang, Z., Orlandi, A. and Duffy, A.P. (2017) Using Image Quality Assessment (IQA) Databases to Provide an Appraisal of the Ability of the Feature Selective Validation Method (FSV) to Compare 2-dimensional Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,60 (4), pp. 890-898

6. A Dimension-reduced Sparse Grid Strategy for Stochastic Collocation Method in EMC Software.Bai, J., Zhang, G., Duffy, A. and Wang, L. (2017) A Dimension-reduced Sparse Grid Strategy for Stochastic Collocation Method in EMC Software. IEEE Trans on EMC, 60 (1), pp. 218-224

7.Statistical Figures of Merit for the Feature Selective Validation Method.Zhang, G., Duffy, A. and Orlandi, A. (2017) Statistical Figures of Merit for the Feature Selective Validation Method; IEEE Transactions on EMC, 59 (5), pp. 1482-1489

8. Standalone closed-form formula for the throughput rate of asynchronous normally distributed serial flow lines.Aboutaleb, A., Kang, P.S., Hamzaoui, R. and Duffy, A. (2017) Standalone closed-form formula for the throughput rate of asynchronous normally distributed serial flow lines. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 43 (1), pp. 117-128

9. Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) simulation of the propagation of partial discharge phenomenon in transmission lines.Duffy, A.P., Sasse, H. and Li, J. (2017)

10. Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) simulation of the propagation of partial discharge phenomenon in transmission lines. 2017 1st International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment (ICEMPE 2017), Article number 7982149, pp. 76-79

11. Performance Comparison of the SGM and the SCM in EMC Simulation.Bai, J. et al. (2016) Performance Comparison of the SGM and the SCM in EMC Simulation. IEEET Transactions on EMC, 2016, 58 (6), pp. 1739-1746




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