TEA Foreign Scholar Fund Call for Application
时间:2021-12-01   阅读次数:


TEA Foreign Scholar Fund

Call for Application

TEA Foreign Scholar Fund aims at promoting international research collaboration between foreign scholars and the National Center for International Research on Transient Electromagnetics and Applications. We call for applications from foreign scholars working on electromagnetics and other related fields. Details for applications are as follows.

Eligibility: International researchers from universities and research institutes located outside mainland of China are eligible to apply.

Research Interests: Research topics on electromagnetics that are including but not limited to modelling, high performance algorithm, evaluation approach, uncertainty quantification, machine learning, etc.

Project Duration: one to two years.

Available Budget: CNY 50,000 per project

The applicant is supposed to submit a research proposal (Please find the attached template.) to Ms. Yufang Xiang (Email: xiangyf@xjtu.edu.cn). All eligible applications will be evaluated by the academic committee of TEA, and applicants will be informed of the final decision on their applications.

National Center for International Research

on Transient Electromagnetics & Applications

December 1, 2021

Attachment: Research Proposal for TEA Foreign Scholar Fund

附件【Research Proposal of TEA Foreign Scholar Fund.doc

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