应西安交通大学电气工程学院谢彦召教授邀请,俄罗斯科学院大电流所高级研究员Yury Andreev博士将于7月13日-7月20日在我校开设《高功率超宽带技术与应用》研究生课。课程主要讲授高功率超宽带微波脉冲辐射原理、超宽带辐射天线及天线阵列设计方法等。

Yury Andreev博士生于1965年3月,现任俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院大电流研究所高级研究员。Yury Andreev分别于1985年和1989年获得俄罗斯托木斯克国立大学通信工程学士和硕士学位,于2007年获得托木斯克国立大学物理数学博士学位。Yury Andreev博士1989年成为俄罗斯大电流所助教,1991年被评为研究员,1998年被评为高级研究员。Yury Andreev博士的研究领域主要是高功率超宽带电磁脉冲和高功率微波辐射天线设计,包括组合振子天线、螺旋天线及天线阵列的设计与优化等。
Date |
Time |
Title |
July 13th |
8:30~12:00 |
Main research areas with leading positions at Institute of High Current Electronics, Russia, Tomsk |
14:30~17:30 |
The speed of light (Part 1): How to measure the speed of light in the 17th century? |
July 14th |
8:30~12:00 |
The speed of light (Part 2): How the speed of light was first calculated? |
14:30~17:30 |
Some interesting problems on physics |
July 17th |
8:30~12:00 |
New principals of high power microwave radiation - gyromagnetic sources, compare with classical High Power microwave sources |
July 18th |
8:30~12:00 |
The way to radiate high power electromagnetic pulses based on the combined UWB antenna |
July 19th |
8:30~12:00 |
Helix antenna – new possibility for radiation of high power UWB pulses: advantages and disadvantages |
July 20th |
8:30~12:00 |
Helix antenna array – possibility to increase electric field intensity of radiation: advantages and disadvantages |