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Upcoming Workshops and Conferences
时间:2018-09-29   阅读次数:

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Asian Electromagnetics Conference 2019


ASIAEM 2019 will be held in Xi’an, China. It offers a forum within the international scientific and engineering community in High-Power Electromagnetics, etc.


15-20 September,2019

2019 Joint International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sapporo"(EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019)


EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019 is the 8th "International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility" organized byIEICE-CS, and the first joint symposium under technical co-sponsorship by Asia-Pacific EMC (APEMC). All researchers in the various fields of electromagnetic compatibility are participated in this Symposium.

This EMC Symposium series has a long history and it has been held every 5 years. The first of itsseries was held in Tokyo in 1984, which was the first IEEE EMC Symposium held outside USA sharing sponsorship with IECE. Ever since the second in 1989, this symposium series has been sponsored by IEICE.

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

3-7 June,2019

6thInternational Congress Energy Fluxes andRadiation Effects (EFRE 2018)


The congress deals with scientific, engineering, and technical problems in the fields of pulsed power technologies; ion and electron beams; high power microwaves; plasma and particle beam sources; modification of material properties; pulsed power applications in chemistry, biology, and medicine; physical and chemical nonlinear processes excitedin inorganic dielectrics by particle and photon beams; physical principles of radiation-related and additive technologies; self-propagating high-temperature synthesis; and combustion waves in heterogeneous systems.

Tomsk, Russia

16-22 September,2018

ICEAA 2018 - IEEE APWC 2018 - FEM 2018


This joint conference consists of the twentieth edition of International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2018), the eighth edition of the IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (IEEE-APWC 2018) andthe fourteenth lnternational Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering (FEM 2018). This joint conference covers EMC, antennas and radar applications.

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

10-14 September, 2018

EAPPC & BEAMS 2018 - 7th Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference and 22nd International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams


This joint conference will provide a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information between industry, academic institutions and research organizations, on the broad range of current and emerging research areas of pulsed power technologies and high power particlebeams.

Changsha, China

16-20 September 2018

AMEREM 2018 - American Electromagnetics Symposium


This symposium continues the series of symposia of AMEREM, EUROEM and ASIAEM which emphasize the high power electromagnetic (HPEM) aspects of EMC.

Santa Barbara, California, USA

27-31 August 2018

EMC Europe 2018 Conference


This conference covers all the aspects in Electromagnetic Compatibility area. Research on Transmission lines, shielding and grounding, EMC theory, EMC in power electronics and other sessions are evolved.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

27-30 August 2018

AT-RASC 2018 - Second URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting


This conference is one of the URSI flagship conference besides the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium and the AP-RASC conference. It covers radio communications, but also with EMC in Commission E.

Gran Canaria, Spain

28 May-1 June 2018

22nd IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity


The IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI) evolves into a forum of exchange on the latest research and developments on design, characterization, modeling, simulation and testing for Signal and Power Integrity at chip, package, board and system level. The workshop brings together developers and researchers from industry and academia in order to encourage cooperation.

Brest, France

22-25 May 2018

2018 Joint IEEE EMC & APEMC Symposium - Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC


This conference covers all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as well as signal and power Integrity (SI/PI), including but not limited to EMC/SI/PI design, modeling, management, measurements, and education.


14-17 May 2018

EuCAP 2018 -EuropeanConference on Antenna and Propagation


EuCAP will cover a wide area of research, related to antennas and propagation, and encompasses various aspects of fundamental theory, numerical modelling and designs, industrial applications, advanced manufacturing and measurements. It is formed as a balanced set of plenary/keynote talks, invited and contributed presentations, all subjected to rigorous peer review.

London, UK

9-13 April 2018

5th International Symposium on EMC

EMC' Beijing is a worldwide conference dealing with EMC fundamentals, technologies, management, standards and applications since 1992. Each event in the past attracted hundreds of professionals from tens of countries.

Beijing, China

28-31 October 2017

ICEAA 2017 – International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications

This conference deals with several aspects of EMC and also with applications of electromagnetics to medicine, nanotechnology, and material properties. In addition several topical areas dealing with antennas and radar applications are included.

Verona, Italy

11-15 September 2017

EMC Europe 2017 – International Symposium and Exhibition on EMC

EMC Europe brings together those working in the field of EMC as well as spectrum management, monitoring and congestion from European countries and from the countries of other parts of the world and create an excellent forum for useful contacts and exchange of scientific and technical information between researchers and practicing engineers from academia, researchlaboratories, industry and government agencies.

Angers, France

4-8 September 2017

32nd URSI 2017 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium

This conference deals with radio communications, but also with EMC in Commission E. This year there will be 16 sessions dealing with different aspects of EMC.

Montreal, Canada

16-26 August 2017

IEEE International Symposium on EMC & Signal Integrity

This is the principle International EMC Conference in the world, which includes presentations of workshops, tutorials, contributed technical papers and an exhibition.

National Harbor, Maryland, USA

7-11 August 2017

ASIAEM 2017 – Asia Electromagnetics Symposium

This symposium continues the series of symposia of AMEREM, EUROEM and ASIAEM which emphasize the high power electromagnetic (HPEM) aspects of EMC

Bangalore, India

23-27 July 2017

APEMC 2017 – Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC

This conference covers the entire scope of EMC, including special sessions, workshops, tutorials and an exhibition.

Seoul, Korea

20-23 June 2017




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