The Workshop on Electromagnetic Time Reversal and Applications (ETRA) was held in the city of Xi'an, from 13rd to 14th, August 2018.This workshop aims to strengthen academic exchanges and promote international cooperation in the field of Electromagnetic Time Reversal and Lightning. More than 20 scholars and engineers from the universities and industries attended this meeting.

Group photo of the 2018 Workshop on ETRA
The invited keynote speakers include Prof. Farhad Rachidi from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL), Switzerland, Prof. Marcos Rubinstein from HES-SO Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Switzerland, Prof. Andrea Cozza from CentraleSupélec, France, Prof. Lihua Shi from the E3OE Lab, Nanjing, China, Prof. Yanzhao Xie and Qi Li from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.

Prof. Farhad Rachidi Prof. Marcos Rubinstein Prof. Andrea Cozza

Prof. Yanzhao Xie Prof. Lihua Shi Qi Li
The 2018 Workshop on ETRA was arranged as follows.
Aug.13, 2018, Monday
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Chair |
08:40~08:50 |
Welcome Speech |
Xie Yanzhao |
Lihua Shi |
08:50~09:20 |
An Introduction to EPFL |
Farhad Rachidi |
09:20~10:30 |
An Introduction to Electromagnetic Time Reversal |
Marcos Rubinstein |
10:30~10:50 |
Break |
10:50~12:00 |
Verification of EMTR in Reverberation Chamber |
Andrea Cozza |
12:00~12:30 |
Lunch |
14:30~15:30 |
Time Reversal Applied to Fault Location |
Farhad Rachidi |
Marcos Rubinstein |
15:30~16:30 |
Time Reversal Applied to Fault Location in Transmission Line |
Andrea Cozza |
16:30~16:50 |
Break |
16:50~18:00 |
Proposal for EMTR applications in power industry |
Yanzhao Xie |
Aug.14, 2018, Tuesday
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Chair |
08:40~09:20 |
Time Reversal Applied to Lightning Location |
Marcos Rubinstein |
Andrea Cozza |
09:20~10:10 |
Applications of TR Method in Lamb Wave Detection |
Lihua Shi |
10:10~10:30 |
Break |
10:30~11:10 |
Location of IEMI Radiation Source Based on EMTR |
Qi Li |
11:10~12:00 |
Lightning Measurement Station at Mount Säntis, Switzerland |
Farhad Rachidi |
12:00~12:30 |
Lunch |
14:30~18:00 |
Discussion |
Farhad Rachidi |
Prof. Yanzhao Xie, as the organizer of this workshop, gave a warm welcome speech. Four topics were included, which are the fundamental theory of EMTR techniques, the application of EMTR in fault location of transmission lines, the application of EMTR in the location of spatial radiation sources, e.g. IEMI and lightning, and the latest progress about lightning phenomena. The participants benefited a lot from the talks and discussions.

Discussions during the break
To further promote the international cooperation on EMTR techniques and applications in power industry,Prof. Yanzhao Xie, Prof. Farhad Rachidi, and Prof. Marcos Rubinstein signed an agreement. Prof. Andrea Cozza will join the cooperation as well. Meanwhile, some companies from power industry wish to offer corresponding validation platforms for EMTR techniques.

Signing the agreement
The workshop was organized by State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, National Center for International Research on Transient Electromagnetics and Applications (TEA), Xi'an Jiaotong University as well as IEEE EMC Xi'an Chapter.This workshop was supported by the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, China.