Seminar Announcement
We are excited to announce that three internationally renowned scholars from University of Liverpool will present their research work online via VOOV on Nov. 29, Dec. 3 and Dec. 6 respectively. Feel free to attend if interested.
Talk1:Wireless Energy Harvesting and Power Transfer
Speaker:Prof. Yi Huang
BeijingTime:18:30-20:30 (GMT+08:00), Monday, Nov.29
ID:656522 348
About the speaker

Prof Yi Huangreceived DPhil in Communications from the University of Oxford, UK in 1994. He has been conducting research in the areas of wireless communications, applied electromagnetics, radar, and antennas since 1987. His experience includes 3 years spent with NRIET (China) as aRadar Engineerand various periods with the Universities of Birmingham, Oxford, and Essex in the UK as a member of research staff. He worked as aResearch Fellowat British Telecom Labs in 1994 and then joined the Department of Electrical Engineering & Electronics, the University of Liverpool, UK as aFacultyin 1995, where he is now a fullProfessor in Wireless Engineering, theHead of High Frequency Engineering Group. He is at present theEditor-in-Chiefof Wireless Engineering and Technology,Associate Editorof IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,UK and Ireland Repto European Association of Antenna and Propagation (EurAAP 2016-2020), aFellowof IEEE, and aFellowof IET.
Talk2:Terahertz imaging and its applications
Speaker:Prof. Yaochun Shen
BeijingTime:18:30-20:30 (GMT+08:00), Friday, Dec.3
ID:925215 875

Prof Yaochun Shenreceived the BSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, in 1986 and 1992, respectively. After that he held various positions at Southeast University (China), Heidelberg University (Germany), Heriot-Watt University (UK), Cambridge University (UK) and TeraView Ltd (UK). Currently he is a Chair Professor and School Research Lead at the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, The University of Liverpool. Professor Shen has been working on terahertz-related technology for many years, first as a Research Associate (2001-2004) at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, and then as a Senior Scientist (2004-2007) at TeraView Limited, Cambridge. Professor Shen has been awarded 7 patents and published 5 book chapters and over 200 conference & journal publications. His current research interests include the development of innovative THz and optical imaging technologies with a focus on the exploitation of their applications in industry and science.
Talk3:Device Authentication for Internet of Things, A Deep Learning-Based Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification Approach
Speaker:Dr. Junqing Zhang
BeijingTime:18:30-20:30 (GMT+08:00), Monday, Dec.6
ID:924820 443

About the speaker
Dr.Junqing Zhangis a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with the University of Liverpool, UK. He received the B.Eng and M.Eng degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tianjin University, China in 2009 and 2012, respectively, and the Ph.D degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Queen's University Belfast, UK in 2016. From Feb. 2016 to Jan. 2018, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Queen's University Belfast, UK. His research interests include the Internet of Things, wireless security, key generation and radio frequency fingerprint identification. His work aims to design innovative and practical wireless security solutions for future wireless technologies with ultra-low energy requirements but high security standards.